29 November 2010
new shoes for my convocation. kasut murah je meh. hubby yang pilih. i bought two shoes. CR one for my mom. n this simple one for me, hubby pilih, tapi saya bayar sendiri ok. haha. lama jugak memilih and at last hubby made decision for me. haha tq dear. ok tak?

27 November 2010
sweet memory in terengganu
first of all just wanna repeat my warm wishes to congratulate my dearie hubby for his convocation. at last, one of his dream tercapai jugak. tak perlu kot mention kat sini. nanti hubby malu seh. haha.
almost 8hours journey from melaka to terengganu. i've been there for 3days and 2 nights. lots of memories. sweet2 memories. a bit bitter when we're lost our way home. pergi ok tapi balek pulak sesat. haha. memory jugak tuh!
reached our destination around 11p.m. and begin our next day after taking rest at 7a.m. we're heading to Taman Tamadun Islam for hubby's convocation. TTI situated just next to Masjid Kristal. Cantik. tapi kalau dpt gilap kubah kristal tu lagi bagus! haha peeps! enjoy some shot there..

masjid kristal jakun jap 
family hubby n family fadh kawan hubby
tiga sekawan 
betulkan jap senget
sempat pose b4 balek
Petangnya our unofficial tourist guide bring us to Pasar Payang. FMIL nak beli batik. Mak aaaih ratus-ratus ok. tapi mmg cantik. glamour la FMIL pakai batik lukis terengganu nanti. then FMIL asked me, "xnak ke?" i simply answered "xminat la makcik" padahal takut. harga ratus-ratus. boleh dpt berhelai2 kain biasa. haha. but FMIL seems like promoting me tt batik. haha. kalau dah FMIL beriya-iya xsampai hati pulak. ok i take one. but unexpectedly, FMIL paid for me! LOL! haha. then she give me and said "hadiah" untung la! with wide smile "terima kasih makcik" heee
Malam pulak we were bring to 'ikan bakar' nyammi nyamm saya suka! haha. luckily we were guide by kak ati, hubby's relative. if not, silap2 b'pusing-pusing kitorang dlm kuala terengganu tu. heading to ikan bakar. blluurpp we're bloated tt night. tq kak ti. jasamu dikenang.

ok guys, i've to go. nak balik kg. hoye hoye
almost 8hours journey from melaka to terengganu. i've been there for 3days and 2 nights. lots of memories. sweet2 memories. a bit bitter when we're lost our way home. pergi ok tapi balek pulak sesat. haha. memory jugak tuh!
reached our destination around 11p.m. and begin our next day after taking rest at 7a.m. we're heading to Taman Tamadun Islam for hubby's convocation. TTI situated just next to Masjid Kristal. Cantik. tapi kalau dpt gilap kubah kristal tu lagi bagus! haha peeps! enjoy some shot there..
Petangnya our unofficial tourist guide bring us to Pasar Payang. FMIL nak beli batik. Mak aaaih ratus-ratus ok. tapi mmg cantik. glamour la FMIL pakai batik lukis terengganu nanti. then FMIL asked me, "xnak ke?" i simply answered "xminat la makcik" padahal takut. harga ratus-ratus. boleh dpt berhelai2 kain biasa. haha. but FMIL seems like promoting me tt batik. haha. kalau dah FMIL beriya-iya xsampai hati pulak. ok i take one. but unexpectedly, FMIL paid for me! LOL! haha. then she give me and said "hadiah" untung la! with wide smile "terima kasih makcik" heee
Malam pulak we were bring to 'ikan bakar' nyammi nyamm saya suka! haha. luckily we were guide by kak ati, hubby's relative. if not, silap2 b'pusing-pusing kitorang dlm kuala terengganu tu. heading to ikan bakar. blluurpp we're bloated tt night. tq kak ti. jasamu dikenang.
ok guys, i've to go. nak balik kg. hoye hoye
khasiat collagen
hye guys. just a very simple entry. feel like sharing. and enjoy reading ok (: first skali nk habaq sket apa tu collagen. collagen actually is a type of protein yang mana support and connect with skin, bone, muscle etc. if u want detail info, google lah! Antara foods tt contain most collagen is soymilk or anything from soy, cheese, dark green vege, red fruit, cashews nuts, avocado, salmon and tuna fish.
tapi zaman dah moden, nowadays ppl take collagen drinks. u can buy it from any pharmacy.berlambak from the expensive one, till the cheapest one. pendek kata, boleh main pilih2 la ikut kemampuan. like me, i just bought the cheap one. some say it works but take times. ye la barang murah kan. hee
kalau nak hasil yang cepat buy the expensive one. my dear friend also take this collagen drink (actually mmg terpengaruh dengan dia) and mmg skin dia cantik sgt sekarang. huuu and she take the expensive one lah! ok berbalik pada topic khasiat, bagi anak-anak dara whole body bertambah kemas,menarik and reshape. Kulit cerah dari dalam. Leh sebat macam2. Nak bagi muka glowing. Bagi mak-mak dara lak, leh tambah keintiman bersama suami. ceh. haha dah mcm promoter pulak.
Cut is short, for more further detail u google lah sendiri or in a better way, go to pharmacy and the ppl there will coach u. hee till then tq (:
tapi zaman dah moden, nowadays ppl take collagen drinks. u can buy it from any pharmacy.
kalau nak hasil yang cepat buy the expensive one. my dear friend also take this collagen drink (actually mmg terpengaruh dengan dia) and mmg skin dia cantik sgt sekarang. huuu and she take the expensive one lah! ok berbalik pada topic khasiat, bagi anak-anak dara whole body bertambah kemas,menarik and reshape. Kulit cerah dari dalam. Leh sebat macam2. Nak bagi muka glowing. Bagi mak-mak dara lak, leh tambah keintiman bersama suami. ceh. haha dah mcm promoter pulak.
Cut is short, for more further detail u google lah sendiri or in a better way, go to pharmacy and the ppl there will coach u. hee till then tq (:
16 November 2010
thnxs hubby
hari ni hubby gaji. haha saje la merengek nak itu ini. hehehe i got flu since this morning and suffering bad sore throat. then hubby bawa pergi shopping dekat farmasi. beli ubat.
but i took smtg else

but i took smtg else
13 November 2010
12.41 am already on my bed. feel like posting something before i left for two days. hehe. going for a holiday yay. destination? RAHSIA i will upload the photo then after coming back from my holiday. yay! sgt sgt tak sabar ok! cuti-cuti malaysia
just now i'm preparing the stuff that have to bring along. and my mom also help me. remind me this and that. seems like asking me to bring all the stuff in the cupboard. or else i bring the cupboard itself. for sure nothing left! hahaha
ok. few days without posting. i'm quite busy with my job. need to learn lots of new things. and guest what. i've been transfered from doing 'property and casualty policy' to 'motor policy'. so i've to start from zero.
actually main purpose of this post is...uploading mr.bf photos during his bday last sunday. everything going smoothly! sgt sgt happy ok! firstly, i bring him to kak dila's house to collect my oredered cupcake.CHELSEA nak dijadikan cerita klimaks, tt morning she called me. know what? kak dila boleh pulak misdate for my order. she thought on 11th nov. OMG! but dah rezeki orang kata, siap jugak that cupcake dgn jaya nya petang tu! TQ kak dila. muax

then, jalan-jalan cari makan pulak. feel like eating ikan bakar. lagi pun, kitorang xpenah makan ikan bakar sama-sama. Macam mana la nak makan ketam ngan dia. haha tapi bila all the food served, makan tak pandang kiri kanan! people, memang satisfied sgt sgt ok! we took siakap,udang,sotong,ketam,nasi lemak and air buah! ONLY FIFTY RINGGIT. hubby pun satisfied. 100%. Mana tak nya, on the way home keep on saying "puas hati la..puas hati la" so i kindly suggest u guys go for ikan bakar in cristal bay at alai melaka. ALAA...KASSIM..nama kedai. I bet tt ikan bakar at Umbai is totally double the price. for those outside malacca, come and i bring u there. but treat me larrr heeeh. and not to forget, sorry to say, me and mr.bf seriously tak sempat nak snap photo coz seronok sgt mkn-mkn.
but still have a few on that day

mr.bf yang poyo duk cakap dia handsome je

ini bukan sabotaj bday boy ok

no comment

dia happy. sekian terima kasih
just now i'm preparing the stuff that have to bring along. and my mom also help me. remind me this and that. seems like asking me to bring all the stuff in the cupboard. or else i bring the cupboard itself. for sure nothing left! hahaha
ok. few days without posting. i'm quite busy with my job. need to learn lots of new things. and guest what. i've been transfered from doing 'property and casualty policy' to 'motor policy'. so i've to start from zero.
actually main purpose of this post is...uploading mr.bf photos during his bday last sunday. everything going smoothly! sgt sgt happy ok! firstly, i bring him to kak dila's house to collect my oredered cupcake.
then, jalan-jalan cari makan pulak. feel like eating ikan bakar. lagi pun, kitorang xpenah makan ikan bakar sama-sama. Macam mana la nak makan ketam ngan dia. haha tapi bila all the food served, makan tak pandang kiri kanan! people, memang satisfied sgt sgt ok! we took siakap,udang,sotong,ketam,nasi lemak and air buah! ONLY FIFTY RINGGIT. hubby pun satisfied. 100%. Mana tak nya, on the way home keep on saying "puas hati la..puas hati la" so i kindly suggest u guys go for ikan bakar in cristal bay at alai melaka. ALAA...KASSIM..nama kedai. I bet tt ikan bakar at Umbai is totally double the price. for those outside malacca, come and i bring u there. but treat me larrr heeeh. and not to forget, sorry to say, me and mr.bf seriously tak sempat nak snap photo coz seronok sgt mkn-mkn.
but still have a few on that day
07 November 2010
when ilyana get bored
got nothing to do. plan for celebrating hubby's bday around 8pm. plan for
cause of too boring just now, i'm creating a birthday card for him. simple one. just using word. feel like incomplete born day without card. wishing him. hee. lagi pun i enjoy doing those thing.
nah! the birthday card. save budget maa. hehe. dont have to buy at memory lane or what. hehe. hope hubby like it.
happy birthday S A Y A N G
the things i love 'bout him..the smile on his face. when things dont go his way his smile stay with me. as i start my day (:
the warmth in his heart, i feel it all the time.. n knowing tt all the love in it truly is all mine
the loving words he speaks make my problem disappear. he makes me feel so good as i always want him near
happy birthday syg. this is for u
06 November 2010
so sweet - a day befor hubby's birthday
6.34 a.m fresh morning
hye peeps. assalammualaikum. i'm waking up early today. rising early. mornings, for me at least are the most productive time of day. feel like to do some writing in the morning when there are no distractions before i check my fb account or email as well.
"i rise with the luck"
ok let me start. thiis morning i would like to share with u guys what i watched yesterday. it is a talkshow. but give so much input as well. maybe some of u also do watch it yesterday, i only watched part of the show. but it seem so much beneficial for us and i tend to find it back online. n as i said, today i rise with the luck. wuwuw lucky me! i found tt clip.
[since the link i put didnt come up, then u should find it manually. go to www.tv3.com.my n go for al-kuliyyah episode 44]
u guys must watch this clip. lots of input tt will help us to motivate ourselves or even to change our attitude. for me, i do like yesterday's topic i.e U B A T H A T I
since i do looking for tt around this couple of days.
lately, lots of problem surround me. i do hate lots of ppl who makes my life become up side down. but at the end, i feel like wasting my time with all the hatred feeling. i would say tt i prefer sleep all the day to realese my mad, my sadness and also my hatred feeling. but i dream lots of nonsense things. n i would say if out there sell a medicine for mad,sad and hatred, i will buy it! seriously! seriouly i'm looking for ubat hati.
alhamdulillah i found it. for those who actually feel the same, go n watch the episode. but sorry to say, the stream is totally low. i dont know what happen to tv3. supposely, after upgrading their online stream should be more faster than i expect, but it become more worst. urr but u need to sign in before watching. just sign up n sign in. its free dude.
"i rise with the luck"
ok let me start. thiis morning i would like to share with u guys what i watched yesterday. it is a talkshow. but give so much input as well. maybe some of u also do watch it yesterday, i only watched part of the show. but it seem so much beneficial for us and i tend to find it back online. n as i said, today i rise with the luck. wuwuw lucky me! i found tt clip.
[since the link i put didnt come up, then u should find it manually. go to www.tv3.com.my n go for al-kuliyyah episode 44]
u guys must watch this clip. lots of input tt will help us to motivate ourselves or even to change our attitude. for me, i do like yesterday's topic i.e U B A T H A T I
since i do looking for tt around this couple of days.
lately, lots of problem surround me. i do hate lots of ppl who makes my life become up side down. but at the end, i feel like wasting my time with all the hatred feeling. i would say tt i prefer sleep all the day to realese my mad, my sadness and also my hatred feeling. but i dream lots of nonsense things. n i would say if out there sell a medicine for mad,sad and hatred, i will buy it! seriously! seriouly i'm looking for ubat hati.
alhamdulillah i found it. for those who actually feel the same, go n watch the episode. but sorry to say, the stream is totally low. i dont know what happen to tv3. supposely, after upgrading their online stream should be more faster than i expect, but it become more worst. urr but u need to sign in before watching. just sign up n sign in. its free dude.
05 November 2010
LIFE as we know it
last saturday, me and mr.bf went out for a movie. again! haha. we had 'life as we know it' starring by Katherine Heigl and Josh Duhamel make a charming couple with plenty of jokes. two single adults become caregivers to an orphaned girl when their mutual best friends die in an accident.
really loved this movie and was so glad i went to see it!i laughed unexpectedly. this movie was actually a lot better then i thought it would be. it has a lot of heart and humour in it from what would be a horrible situation to be in.
it tells the story 'bout Holly and Messer who meet on a blind date and it goes horribly wrong. they are both great friends of the couple who set 'em up n always seem to see each other through their friends events. when they find out their friends have passed away in a car accident, they are told tt their friends wanted 'em to take care of the baby if n'thing were to happen to 'em.
this is a shock to 'em but they decide to live together in their old house, so tt they grant the wishes of their friends. throughout the movie u see 'em, trying to raise the baby with often very funny results.
i am curious to see if n'thing like this would happen in my real life, with 2 friends who do not know each other well would raise a baby together for the sake of the child. overall it such a fun movie to watch and will probabli make u cry a bit wuuu so peeps, if u have such a free time, go for this movie. u'll be getting ur money's worth.

really loved this movie and was so glad i went to see it!i laughed unexpectedly. this movie was actually a lot better then i thought it would be. it has a lot of heart and humour in it from what would be a horrible situation to be in.
it tells the story 'bout Holly and Messer who meet on a blind date and it goes horribly wrong. they are both great friends of the couple who set 'em up n always seem to see each other through their friends events. when they find out their friends have passed away in a car accident, they are told tt their friends wanted 'em to take care of the baby if n'thing were to happen to 'em.
this is a shock to 'em but they decide to live together in their old house, so tt they grant the wishes of their friends. throughout the movie u see 'em, trying to raise the baby with often very funny results.
i am curious to see if n'thing like this would happen in my real life, with 2 friends who do not know each other well would raise a baby together for the sake of the child. overall it such a fun movie to watch and will probabli make u cry a bit wuuu so peeps, if u have such a free time, go for this movie. u'll be getting ur money's worth.

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