really loved this movie and was so glad i went to see it!i laughed unexpectedly. this movie was actually a lot better then i thought it would be. it has a lot of heart and humour in it from what would be a horrible situation to be in.
it tells the story 'bout Holly and Messer who meet on a blind date and it goes horribly wrong. they are both great friends of the couple who set 'em up n always seem to see each other through their friends events. when they find out their friends have passed away in a car accident, they are told tt their friends wanted 'em to take care of the baby if n'thing were to happen to 'em.
this is a shock to 'em but they decide to live together in their old house, so tt they grant the wishes of their friends. throughout the movie u see 'em, trying to raise the baby with often very funny results.
i am curious to see if n'thing like this would happen in my real life, with 2 friends who do not know each other well would raise a baby together for the sake of the child. overall it such a fun movie to watch and will probabli make u cry a bit wuuu so peeps, if u have such a free time, go for this movie. u'll be getting ur money's worth.

2 orang bisik-bisik:
cter ni bes tak weh?? ak tak tgk g,, huu~
best la bro! rugi lau xtgok. wuwuw. mmg best. klako n romantic!
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