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27 November 2010

khasiat collagen

hye guys. just a very simple entry. feel like sharing. and enjoy reading ok (: first skali nk habaq sket apa tu collagen. collagen actually is a type of protein yang mana support and connect with skin, bone, muscle etc. if u want detail info, google lah! Antara foods tt contain most collagen is soymilk or anything from soy, cheese, dark green vege, red fruit, cashews nuts, avocado, salmon and tuna fish.

tapi zaman dah moden, nowadays ppl take collagen drinks. u can buy it from any pharmacy. berlambak from the expensive one, till the cheapest one. pendek kata, boleh main pilih2 la ikut kemampuan. like me, i just bought the cheap one. some say it works but take times. ye la barang murah kan. hee

kalau nak hasil yang cepat buy the expensive one. my dear friend also take this collagen drink (actually mmg terpengaruh dengan dia) and mmg skin dia cantik sgt sekarang. huuu and she take the expensive one lah! ok berbalik pada topic khasiat, bagi anak-anak dara whole body bertambah kemas,menarik and reshape. Kulit cerah dari dalam. Leh sebat macam2. Nak bagi muka glowing. Bagi mak-mak dara lak, leh tambah keintiman bersama suami. ceh. haha dah mcm promoter pulak.

Cut is short, for more further detail u google lah sendiri or in a better way, go to pharmacy and the ppl there will coach u. hee till then tq (:

2 orang bisik-bisik:

wan izyan said...

ok. saya pengguna collagen. saya sangat berpuas hati dengan penggunaan collagen. selama harini saya mengambil collagen dR-II. pengambilan awal secara daily, selama sebulan. bulan seterusnya saya mengambil dengan kadar yg semakin berjarak. hasilnya sangat memuaskan. :)

ilanilyana said...

yep2. cik izyan lah org yg saya maksudkan di atas. hehe. dah mc tetimonial customer la plak. cis!