for me, frankly speaking, it not that easy to maintain a couple years relationship with your someone and its not tt easy getting married. huh! haha. like i said, we have to think before making any decision. marriage is so serious! haha. its about whole years in your life.
as one of my colleagues said, "dont u ever getting married when u'r not ready" sound serious meh. hehe. she's a mother of two kids. she always told me about life, responsibility, happiness as we're keep in sharing lots of stories everyday.
ooop jauh menyimpang dah. then peeps, check it out ;)

1 orang bisik-bisik:
apepon, apa ada pada number.. yg penting apa ada dalam hati n jiwa, ada kesetiaan or tak.. ada kesanggupan tuk bersusah n senang or tak, bukan.. ;-)
turn to 4th year on november 2010..
number hanyala number.. kadang2 bile terlalu terikat pada number, kite cube tuk maintain n teruskan sampailah number terbanyak kite leh kumpul sampai kite lupe yg sebenarnye dalam ati kite..
apepon, proses mengenali pasangan before kahwin sgt penting, ade mek mase sebulan / kurang dari tu n ade yg mek bertahun2 tuk kenal pasangan..
apepon, aku kagum pada couple yg bercouple bertahun2 n kahwin.. i'll do like ur page.. ;-D
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