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02 January 2011

my 2011 wish list

as the new year come with new spirit i've wishing tt i will have all those thing listed in my wish list. cekidaud


aku nak beli lancer ni. ok aku tipu. memang minat. tapi xda la sampai nak sgt beli weh! aku xmampu la. lagi pon lancer ni smart untuk lelaki je. tapi aku penah nampak lah perempuan drive lancer sambil dalam hati "mesti kereta bf" so in 2011 ni, aku nak la beli kereta konklusinya.


yes! i want a blackberry. bukan apa, senang nak berinternet even bukan di rumah. am i right? lagi pun, my friends cakap "BBM is the best part in BB" IDK la coz belum pernah pakai BB lagi. tiba-tiba rasa left behind pasal gadget ni. urgh. tapi yang ni lambat-lambat pun takpe. hehe. mudah-mudahan dapat hantaran blackberry. macam ara. best nye!


hah! yang ni pon satu kegilaan aku. yes! memang nak sangat ni. kalau dapat duit terpijak, confirm i grab one!

empat dan akhir.

nak duit lebih nak invest in gold bar and dinar. as my bro is one of authorised public gold agent, so i always being exposed with the benefit of this kind of investment. expected gold price will increase to rm200 per gram. sekarang rm 137 per gram. harga emas dunia. info dari my bro. if you want to explore more u can visit his blog at emasuntukkamu.blogspot

so siapa nak sponsor?

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