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18 March 2011

contest sweet couple yang paling cool n comel

hye blogger sayangs, semalam baca entri oked she tagged me to join and dah janji nak join hari ni. contest ni pun cam best nak join. terima kasih oked tagged! terima kasih empunya contest. kita join ni! hehe

so anyone who interested to join this, u'r most welcome. so syarat nya adalah termaktub seperti di bawah

1. follow ini OWNER
2. post satu entri, bagi link, and not to forget banner contest yg siap ber-link
3. gambar diri sendiri ok with your own couple. jangan gambar dengan bf orang lak, cit. tak berkat! skandal pun tak bleh
4. adeh banyak nya syarat. syarat seterusnya baca sendiri la. klik banner

this is our pic. memori di terengganu during his convocation day. even hubby belajar di shah alam, tapi tahun tu kena convo di terengganu. so ape lagi. holiday la. memori yg sangat indah bersama hubby dan keluarga.
5 yang ter-tag deela ashrawi, eiyla honey, ika fantasi, cik nafard, and last but not least qutiq

4 orang bisik-bisik:

Dekcik said...

so sweet..
thanks join..
gud luck..

ilanilyana said...

tq dekcik! xoxo

amny said...


Dekcik said...

keputusan tuk contest dekcik telah diumumkan..tq 4 join..